Boise High Lacrosse Winter Workout Clinic
Join your Boise High Lacrosse teammates to engage in group workouts led by Verdant Fitness.
FOR: Boise High Lacrosse Players
Grades 9-12
WHEN: Nov 11, 2024 - Feb 12, 2025
Mondays and Wednesdays 3:30-4:15 PM
LOCATION: Verdant Fitness
Verdant Fitness
528 S Americana Blvd.
Boise, ID 83702
COST: $130
This Registration is for boys who are eligible for Boise High School teams, determined by their attendance to one of these schools, or by exception as determined per referred League policies.
Varsity and JV teams
Middle School team
COST (Fall Season)
1 AUG Registration for Fall season opens
20 AUG Registration for Fall season closes
5 SEP * BHLC will greet Registered players with information email
9 SEP* Games begin
1 OCT * MS Outreach: Invite Friends to Practices begins
20 OCT Fall season ends
TBA Parent/athlete picnic and scrimmage
* tentative